Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Vest Tops - Love them or Hate them

It has occurred to me that vest tops are quite underrated. I mean, they are comfortable, they keep you cool in the summer (and in overheated houses like this one) and for those of us who work out, they are a good way to show off your muscles.
This picture just shows how stylish they can be...well I say stylish in the sense that they look good. Casual, relaxed and just good :D

However, vest tops do have the connection to the Stella drinking wife beaters like this guy:
Ok so that maybe stereotyping, but it is true. So maybe we can say that if you are fat, don't wear vest tops....but thin people are wife beaters too....Ok so I don't know what I am trying to say anymore, but I am not a wife beater, and I am in no way suggesting that everyone who wears vest tops are wife beaters but you get where I'm going with this.

Ok, So vest tops do look good. Granted! On thin people that is, and muscular people too but not fat people...and if you drink stella and own a vest top, then try and take some calms! Lol

So I am very supportive of vest tops and I am very glad that Top Shop sell them for cheap, cos I certainly could do with another one :D

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