Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Why I think life is a bit shit at the moment....

Ok, so I seem to be going through the "Life is shit" stage....
Yeah there are some good things in my life that I wouldn't trade for the world! My boyfriend and my best friends!


There are a few things which absolutely SUCK right now.....allow me to begin.

1. Money!

Yes, that's right. I am low on money, and my stupid job won't give me extra hours when I desperately need them! There are people there who don't want the hours they have, I will happily take them! I feel like I can't do anything because of my lack of money. Rent and Bills seem to be all I can afford at the moment.
I really want to go on holiday but I can't cos I hardly have any money....I want a mac, but I can't cos I hardly have any money. It's crap!

2. University!

Uni is not that good this year friends seem to have distanced themselves from me, whether that is intentional or not, I am starting to feel alone....especially during lessons. I'm also lumbered with the task of Producing again which, isn't that bad a job, I'd rather be doing something like Editing or Directing. But never mind....maybe next year eh....

Thats all of the complaints I have atm, if there are any more I will be sure to post them

1 comment:

  1. On looking back at this I have come to realize that I should have looked to the future. I now have the extra hours I asked for PLUS I am starting a 2nd Job at Lush once again, and also Uni is pretty good again. Producing isn't too bad cos the film I am making is pretty good, and we have an actor from Emmerdale too!

    Can't really complain atm
